Nepal Parichaya: 10th Edition

Topic Coverings:

Chapter: One

Geographical introduction of Nepal

1.1 Geographical Location

1.2 Geographical Division

1.2.1 Division of Nepal on the basis of landforms

1.2.2 Division of Nepal on the basis of rivers

1.2.3 Division of Nepal on the basis of climate

1.3 Political Division of Nepal (Federation, State and Local Levels)

1.3.1 Federation

1.3.2 Province

1.3.3 Local levels of Nepal

1.4 Nepal’s natural resources and resources

1.4.1 Land

1.4.2 Land Legal System and Land Use in Nepal

1.4.3 Forest

1.4.4 Minerals

1.4.5 Water Resources

1.4.6 Lakes, ponds and ponds

1.5 Population of Nepal

1.6 Nepal’s National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, Game Reserves, Protected Areas and Protected Animals in Nepal

Chapter: Two

A brief historical outline of Nepal

2.1 Nepal as an ancient country

2.2 Basis of naming Nepal

2.2.1. linguistic basis

2.2.2 Caste basis

2.3 Origin of Nepal Valley

2.4 Ancient Nepal

2.4.1 Gopalbanshi rulers

2.4.2 Mahishapalbanshi kings

2.4.3 Kiratbanshi kings

2.4.4 Lichchavi period

2.4.5 Pre-Medieval Period

2.4.6 Karnataka State of Simraungadh

2.4.7 Khas Malla State of Karnali Pradesh

2.4.8 Shakya-ruled kingdom of Kapilavastu

2.5 Middle Ages

2.5.1 Introduction to the Malla dynasty

2.5.2 Arrival of Mallas in Nepal

2.5.3 Division of the Malla kingdom

2.6 Modern period

2.6.1 Introduction to the Shah dynasty

2.6.2 Establishment of Gorkha State

2.6.3 Prithvi Narayan Shah and the Nepal Unification Campaign

2.7 Ranasan period

2.8 Political development after Rana period

2.8.1 Developments from 2007 to 2017

2.8.2 The two decades from 2017 to 2037

2.8.3 From Referendum to Mass Movement

2.8.4 The People’s Movement of 2046 and its subsequent politics

Chapter: Three

Constitutional development of Nepal

3.1 Constitutional development of Nepal

3.1.1 Government of Nepal Statutory Law, 2004

3.1.2 Interim Government of Nepal Act, 2007

3.1.3 Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal, 2015

3.1.4 Constitution of Nepal, 2019

3.1.5 Constitution of the Dominion of Nepal, 2047

3.1.6 Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063

3.1.7 Constitution of Nepal Features of the Constitution of Nepal Fundamental rights mentioned in the Constitution of Nepal right and duty Federal Government Form Regional Government Form local government form

Chapter: four

Public Administration of Nepal

4.1 Antiquity (V.No. 1825 Agadi)

4.2 Medieval Period (v.No. 1825-2007)

4.3 Modern Period (V.No. 2007-2063)

4.4 The Postmodern Period (V.No. 2063 see Halsam)

4.5 Existing Structure of Public Administration in Nepal

Chapter: Five

Nepal’s economic development

5.1 Nepalama Planned Development

5.1.1 First Five-Year Plan (2013-2018)

5.1.2 Dosro Three-Year Plan (2019-2022)

5.1.3 Tesro Five-Year Plan (2022-2027)

5.1. Fourth Five-Year Plan (2027-2032)

5.1.5 Fourth Five-Year Plan (2032-2037)

5.1.6 Sixty-sixth Five-Year Plan (2037-2042)

5.1.7 Seventh Five-Year Plan (2042-2047)

5.1.8 Eighth Five-Year Plan (2049-2054)

5.1.9 Ninth Five-Year Plan (2054-2059)

5.1.10 Tenth Five-Year Plan (2059-2064)

5.1.11 Agharaun Three-Year Interim Plan (2064/65-2066/67)

5.1.12 External Three-Year Plan (2067/68-2069/70)

5.1.13 Teraun Scheme (Economic Year 2070/71-2072/73)

5.1.14 Chaudhoun Scheme (2073/74-2075/76)

5.1.15 Long-Term Thinking 2100

5.1.16 Pandharon Yojana (Economic Year 2076/77-2080/81)

5.2 Favors of Economic Development

5.2.1 Agriculture

5.2.2 Industry

5.2.3 Business

5.2.4 Tourism

5.2.5 Foreign Employment

5.3. A.W. Budget for 2079/80

Chapter: Six

Social life and culture of Nepal

6.1 Social life in Nepal

6.1.1 Ethnic diversity

6.1.2 The Scheduled Tribes of Nepal

6.1.3 Residence, behaviour and dress

6.1.4 Brief introduction of different castes and castes of Nepal

6.1.5 Various castes, classes, and communities of Nepal and arrangements made by the state for their upliftment

6.1.6 Social Security Provisions

6.2 Cultural life in Nepal

6.2.1 Major festivals and festivals celebrated in Nepal

6.2.2 Description of the cultural heritage of Nepal

6.2.3 Nepal’s cultural and natural heritage listed on the World Heritage List Cultural heritage of Nepal on the World Heritage List Natural heritage listed on the World Heritage List Potential World Heritage Sites

6.2.4 Long-Term Policy on Conservation of National Cultural Heritage

Chapter: Seven

Language, Literature and Art of Nepal

7.1 Language

7.1.1 Major languages ​​spoken in Nepal (as per National Census 2068)

7.1.2 Development and expansion of the Nepali language

7.1.3 Language families

7.1.4 Some Linguistic Scripts

7.2 Literature

7.2.1 Major literary awards of Nepal

7.3 Movies

7.4 Art

7.4.1 Nepalese architecture and its characteristics

7.4.2 Nepali painting and its characteristics

7.4.3 Nepali art and its characteristics

7.4.4 Nepali woodwork and its features

7.4.5 Some popular songs, music and dances in Nepal

Chapter: Eight

Infrastructure development in Nepal

8.1 Education

8.2 Health

8.3 Sports

8.3.1 Nepal National Sports

8.3.2 Major Domestic Sports Competitions of Nepal

8.3.3 Sports Museum of Nepal

8.3.4 Nepal’s participation in international sports

8.3.1 Nepal in Olympic Games

8.3.6 Nepal in South Asian Games

8.4 Water supply and sanitation

8.5 Transportation

8.5.1 Road Transport

8.5.2 Air Transport

8.5.3 Rail Transportation

8.6 Energy

8.7 Irrigation

8.8 Communication and Information Technology

8.9 Environment and Climate Change

8.10 Sustainable Development

Chapter: Nine

Mass Communication and Journalism in Nepal

9.1 Mass Media and Journalism

9.1.1 Print media

9.1.2 Television

9.1.3 Radio Broadcasts

9.1.4 Online Media

9.2. National News Committee

9.3 Entities Related to Communications

Chapter: ten

Foreign Policy and International Relations of Nepal

10.1 Nepal’s foreign policy and its fundamentals

10.2 Nepal’s International Relations: Historical Overview

10.3 United Nations and Nepal

10.4 SAARC and Nepal

10.5 Historical Treaty Agreements on Nepal-India Relations

10.6 Historical Treaties of Nepal and Sino-Tibet Relations

Chapter: Eleven

Historically, religiously and touristically important places of Nepal

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