The Scheduled Tribes of Nepal, also known as the Adibasi Janajati, are indigenous ethnic groups in Nepal that are recognized as having a distinct culture and identity. The Scheduled Tribes are listed in the Scheduled Tribes List of Nepal, which is a legal document that recognizes and protects the rights of the Scheduled Tribes.
There are more than 60 Scheduled Tribes in Nepal, and each of these tribes has its own unique culture, language, and traditions. Some of the major Scheduled Tribes in Nepal include the Tharu, the Magar, the Gurung, the Tamang, the Rai, and the Limbu.
The Scheduled Tribes of Nepal have a long history in the country, and they have played a significant role in the development of Nepal’s culture and society. However, the Scheduled Tribes have also faced numerous challenges and have often been marginalized and discriminated against.
In recent years, there has been a growing movement to recognize and protect the rights of the Scheduled Tribes in Nepal. This movement has resulted in the adoption of laws and policies that aim to promote the rights and well-being of the Scheduled Tribes, and it has also led to the establishment of organizations and programs that support the development of the Scheduled Tribes.
Overall, the Scheduled Tribes of Nepal are an important part of the country’s cultural diversity, and efforts are being made to ensure that their rights and needs are recognized and respected.