The Shakya-ruled kingdom of Kapilavastu was a kingdom in ancient Nepal that was ruled by the Shakya dynasty. The Shakya kingdom was located in the region of Kapilavastu, which is believed to have been located in present-day Nepal, near the border with India.
The Shakya kingdom was a prosperous and powerful kingdom, and it is known for its cultural and artistic achievements. The Shakya kings were great patrons of the arts and supported the development of literature, architecture, and sculpture.
One of the most famous Shakya kings was King Suddhodana, who was the father of Prince Siddhartha, who later became the Buddha. The Buddha is said to have spent his early life in Kapilavastu and received his education at the Shakya court.
The Shakya kingdom came to an end in the 4th century BC, when it was conquered by the neighboring kingdom of Kosala. However, the legacy of the Shakya dynasty lives on in the cultural and architectural treasures that they left behind and in the traditions and customs that they passed down to future generations. The Shakya kingdom is an important part of Nepal’s history and is remembered for its cultural and artistic achievements.