Various castes, classes, and communities of Nepal and arrangements made by the state for their upliftment

Nepal is a country with a diverse and complex social structure, and the caste system has played a significant role in shaping this structure. The caste system in Nepal is a social hierarchy that divides people into different castes based on their occupation and social status. There are four main castes in Nepal: the Brahmins, the Chhetris, the Vaishyas, and the Shudras. In addition to the four main castes, there are also several subcastes in Nepal, and these subcastes are based on a person’s occupation, region, or ethnicity.

The government of Nepal has made efforts to uplift and empower the various castes, classes, and communities of Nepal. In the past, the government has implemented policies and programs that aim to promote the rights and well-being of marginalized groups, such as the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. These policies and programs have included measures to improve access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for these groups.

In recent years, the government of Nepal has also implemented affirmative action policies, which aim to promote the representation of marginalized groups in government and other sectors. These policies have included reservation of seats in parliament and other public bodies for members of marginalized groups, as well as quotas for hiring and promotions in government and other sectors.

Overall, the government of Nepal has made a number of efforts to uplift and empower the various castes, classes, and communities of Nepal, and these efforts have had a positive impact on the lives of many marginalized groups in the country.

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